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Market Research Group

Public·42 members

Relentless Calls from Debt Collectors: When Does it Cross the Line?

A few months back, I fell behind on some bills. And now, I've got these debt collectors blowing up my phone.

At first, I thought, okay, they're just doing their job. I tried to work out a payment plan, but these calls started turning into a daily thing. Morning, noon, and night, they just kept calling.

So, how many calls from a debt collector is considered harassment? It's not like I'm dodging them; I'm just trying to find a solution. It's stressing me out big time, and I can't focus on fixing things with this constant buzzing in my pocket.

I've heard about laws protecting people from harassment, but I'm not sure where the line is drawn. I mean, it can't be normal for them to ring me up ten times a day, right? Has anyone else been through this? How did you deal with it?


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